Semester Plan

Semester Plan

Where do we start? This is the question that many huddles face at the beginning of the semester. This guide is a good place to start when planning your huddle's semester.

Campus Ministry 
Middle & High School Huddles


The purpose of an FCA Campus Huddle is to encourage the Christian faith of coaches and athletes and share the Gospel message to teammates and all whom they influence.


FCA is a witness for Jesus Christ on campus
FCA encourages Christian leadership of athletes
FCA relies on the influence of coaches
FCA is a platform for Christian coaches and athletes to identify with and live out their faith in Jesus Christ
FCA contributes to the "overall good" of the school teaching students a positive lifestyle and how to serve others


Leadership teams will be made up of at least 2 school coaches and 8 or more athletes representing different grades, sports, gender, and ethnicities. Leadership teams will meet monthly to go over monthly plans.

Meeting Details

FCA will meet weekly in a classroom, gym, or auditorium. Each meeting will include the 4 W's and follow ACTS. The 4 W's and ACTS are both explained below.

Four W's

A student-athlete will be assigned to lead one "W" each meeting.
Welcome - arrive early, bring food, start powerpoint and music, welcome everyone at the beginning of the meeting. Take time to pray and do a sports update.
Warm-Up - a brief icebreaker or game if time allows. This is NOT to be the main focus of the meeting and not necessary to FCA huddle. Make sure this is no longer than 10 minutes.
Workout - This is the most important part of the FCA meeting. It is the reason we do FCA, and the reason people come. To learn from God's Word and how it impacts our lives. For more help on the workout, follow the ACTS guide.
Wrap-Up - Quick wrap up of what the message was, announcements of what's coming up on the schedule. Close in prayer.

Accountability - Challenge - Testimony - Share

Accountability (Small Groups) - questions will be based on Scripture and theme of the month. Students lead groups and coaches can facilitate questions.
Challenge (Guest Speaker) - Give a message based on Scripture and theme of the month. This can be a coach from the school, parent, community member, FCA staff.
Testimony (Students Only) - Peers sharing to peers about their Christian faith. They can share their favorite scripture, do a short talk on how the monthly theme is lived out or a personal story of when they became a Christian.
Share (The Gospel Message) - A pastor, youth pastor, or ministry staff are invited in to share the Gospel Message. Make a special point to invite friends, teammates and others to hear this life-changing message.

Best Practices


Include breakfast at the meetings (needs to include fruit as we fuel athletes' bodies.) This can be donated by a church or a parent sign up list.


Play music and FCA powerpoint slideshow as students enter.

Sports Update

As part of the welcome, give an update on the schools in season sports teams are doing. Encourage school spirit.


Get off campus once a semester as a huddle. You can serve somewhere, attend FCA weekend, camp or event, or do a cookout at someone's house to change the weekly meeting location.

Downloadable Resources

These are available resources that can help you as you plan the semester. Remember that all huddles are unique in their own way. Use these resources as guides to help you get your huddle organized. The semester plans are based on a huddle that is meeting on Wednesdays this school year.
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